Awards to date


Layout 1As at 1st October 2013 £37,109.50 has been recommended by the panel:

Funded Group Recommended Amount Paid Amount ID No Disposition
The Storehouse Building Development

Contribution to the costs of bricks, disability access and paint for this project – a refurbishment of a warehouse in Albion Street in order to offer a wide range of community projects designed specifically to meet the needs of people living in the local area.


2500.00 Pending
3rd Brierley Hill (St Michael’s Scouts)

Help to bring together members and families for a special fund day at Kinver to celebrate 50 years of scouting in Brierley Hill.


695.00 695.00 11587.01 Approved
Amblecote Christian Centre

Towards the running of a young people’s volunteering week and a number of community events in Brierley Hill.

890.00 890.00 11588.01 Approved
Beanstalk – Black Country Branch

Support for the voluntary contribution towards reading support for twice weekly sessions over the course of a year at Brierley Hill school.  Over 210 sessions will be supported.


611.00 611.00 11589.01 Approved
Nine Locks Community Centre

Office equipment to support the administration of the Nine Locks Community Centre.


1250.00 1250.00 11590.01 Approved
Timestep Community Hub/Rising Star Academy

An outreach disability dance group for young people at Insight House on Pearson Street.  Young people are taught dance and fitness activities.  The project aims to start a cheerleading/street dance group.  Able bodied children and encouraged to become involved.


2000.00 2000.00 11591.01 Approved
Steppup Puppets

To run a holiday club for years 3 to 6 during the October half term break. To specifically target Brierley Hill Junior School. Although there may be uptake from Hawbush Junior School.


850.00 850.00 12213.01 Approved
Alzheimer’s Support Group

Help to provide furniture, transport and events for a weekly support group to enrich the lives of the elderly people living within Brierley Hill.


1700.00 1700.00 12215.01 Approved
St Paul’s Community Learning Centre

Support to provide a new remote control for heating system to manage heating in the building.

1287.96 1287.96 12251.01 Approved
Brierley Hill Christmas Group

Support for the Brierley Hill at Christmas event including the High Street lights switch on – 30th November 2013. Planned events include choir, ukelele, panto hunt, santa run, community singing and Xmas Fair.

2,500.00 2,500 10422.01 Approved
Brierley Hill Civic Society

To support activities to grow membership.  Includes programme of speakers on Brierley Hill schemes.


660.00 660.00 10423.01 Approved
Brierley Hill Traders Association

Matched with £2,500 of the traders own money this will contribute towards a Brierley Hill in Bloom project engaging the local community in brightening up the High Street through flowers.


2,500.00 2,500.00 10424.01 Approved
Lions Boxing Club

To encourage women of all ages and capabilities i.e. young moms, unemployed, older women and disengaged women. To come and train and work on confidence building with us, all classes will be tailored to their fitness levels and capabilities. The club will be open from 11am until 2pm on Fridays the women can come at a time that suits them for this project women can come around childcare and other commitments.


1,427.50 1,427.50 10552.01 Approved
United Kids and Youth Outreach

Activities for young people from toddlers to 13 year old. The grant contributed towards equipment, refreshments and activities to support the engagement of young people in Brierley Hill.

1,140.33 1,140.00 3086.01 Approved
St Paul’s Community Learning Centre

St Paul’s is a venue for many community activities.  However, heavy usage meant that the floor needed sanding and a new surface coat.  The grant contributed towards this work, securing the ongoing availability of the venue to local residents.

750.00 750.00 3129.01 Approved
South Street Baptist Church

The graveyard at South Street Baptist Church is in a key location.  The memorials and an important part of Brierley Hill’s heritage and a walkway connect the flats to the Lawyers Field park runs through the graveyard.  The grant contributed towards tools for volunteers to keep the space tidy and a tree surgeon to make sure trees are safe and to provide training.

2,500.00 2,500.00 3131.01 Approved
Hawbush Community Gardens

The Community Gardens are sited in Bull Street Brierley Hill and represent a voluntary run environmental asset for local residents.  The grant contributed towards the cost of a secure container on the site and equipment to maintain the gardens.


945.97 945.97 3134.01 Approved
Brierley Hill Project

Brierley Hill project works with some of the hardest to reach young people in danger of full time exclusion from school and at risk of becoming involved in crime.  The grant contributed towards activities designed to promote teamwork and increase aspirations.


1,500.00 1,500.00 3136.01 Approved
Brierley Hill Easy Keep Fit Class

The projec provides easy keep fit routines (seated or standing) for people in need of such care by reason of age, infirmity/disability, financial hardship, under the guidance of a professional tutor, to improve their conditions in life, health, mobility, general well being and quality of life, in a friendly social atmosphere. The grant contributed towards the fees for a specialist qualified tutor.


500.00 500.00 3137.01 Approved
Brier-Lea over 50’s Club

The over 50s’ club meets weekly at St Paul’s on Hawbush Estate.  The grant was a contribution towards the 2012 jubilee celebrations enabling residents to get together and share memories whilst raising money for a good cause.


250.00 250.00 3138.01 Approved
Bushfields Community Association

Covering the Hawbush and Swan Estates the Association had been going through a lull in its activities.  The grant contributed towards a jubilee party to relaunch itself.


500.00 500.00 3145.01 Approved
3rd Brierley Hill (St Michael’s) Scout Group

 The scout group meets at Nine Locks Community Centre and supports the youth of Brierley Hill with opportunities to discover new experiences/adventures.  The grant contributed towards the cost of membership fees to enable a focus to be placed on providing skills training and experience in camping and living away from home.


500.00 500.00 3600.01 Approved
Alzheimer’s Support Group

The weekly support groups enriches the lives of the elderly people of Brierley Hill who suffer from Alzheimer’s.  The grant contributed towards equipment, events and transport to enable the group to deliver its work.


700.00 700.00 3601.01 Approved
St Paul’s Community Learning Centre

Continuing its work to enable the centre provides access to all sections of the community, this year 2 grant contributed towards repairing damage steps and pathways caused by a tree.


700.00 700.00 3602.01 Approved
Steppup Puppets

The project ran a week long holiday club in August 2012 target at years 3 to 6 students who live on Hawbush Estate.  The grant contributed towards the hire of a venue, refreshments and materials for puppet making.


750.00 750.00 3603.01 Approved
Amblecote Christian Centre

The project was aimed at local children on the Hawbush Estate during August 2012.  The grant was to help create a pond at the Community Gardens, run a fund day and organise trips and activities for the young people.


810.00 810.00 3604.01 Approved
Crusaders After-Schools Club

30-40 children attend this after schools club on Hawbush Estate every week and the project wished to teach them how to cook meals that are healthy and affordable whilst bringing them and their friends together. The grant contributed towards food, venue hire, kitchen equipment and printing recipe books.


790.00 790.00 6324.01 Approved
Dudley Strategic Campaigns Team

The team wished to organise an interactive discussion and debate to raise awareness of the problems with alcohol abuse.  Located on the Chapel Street estate the project aimed to produce a youth magazine and to work with parents too.  The grant contributed towards equipment, t-shirts, facilitators, the magazine, leaflets and posters.


900.00 900.00 6936.01 Approved
Young Leaders

The project aims to develop the leadership skills of young people through a training programme involving weekly opportunity to put their skills into practice by volunteering at a Kids Club as Young Leaders.  The grant contributed towards stationary, refreshments, hoodies, team building trips and a residential weekend.


2,400.00 0.00 8178.01 Approved
Brierley Hill Team Outreach

The project aims to enable those who have suffered bereavement with its associated impact to meet with others for fellowship, discussion and help to move on in their lives.  The grant contributed towards refreshments, craft materials, games, letters, posters and evaluation sheets.


526.00 526.00 8180.01 Approved

The group provides dance classes – including cheerleading, street dance and free style – for young people aged 5-25 years old.  The grant contributed towards mats, pompoms, other equipment and transport costs for competitions.


2,110.00 2,110.00 8439.01 Approved
Nine Locks Shotokan Karate Club

The club provides karate activities focusing on discipline respect and deportment.  Participants are take to competitions to practice and compete.  Teh grant contributed towards equipment and kit for the use of members.


2,465.74 0.00 8798.01 Approved

Status Explained

Pending or Approved.

‘Pending’ means the project has only recently been submitted to CDF and needs to be processed, or that the group have not yet returned their grant acceptance form to CDF.

‘Approved’ means that the group have returned their grant acceptance, so if it is ‘Approved’ but without a payment it either means that it is scheduled for payment shortly, or that there is a query relating to the payment details.

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