Area Action Plan progress note

Nicki Dale, principle planning officer at Dudley MBC, gave a presentation to the Town Centre Partnership on progress with the Area Action Plan – a crucial document which will guide developments in Brierley Hill for the next 20 years.

The draft plan will be considered by the council’s cabinet on 18th November and will then be published for consultation on 30th November. The key focus for the consultation will be whether the plan meets the tests for soundness enshrined in planning legislation.  These tests are:-

  1. Test i: The DPD (Development Plan Documents) has been prepared in accordance with the
    Local Development Scheme
  2. Test ii: The DPD has been prepared in compliance with the
    Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), or the
    minimum requirements set out in the regulations
    where no SCI exists
  3. Test iii: The plan and its policies have been subjected to
    Sustainability Appraisal
  4. Test iv: It is a spatial plan which is consistent with national
    planning policy and in general conformity with the RSS
    for the region or the Spatial Development Strategy if in
    London, and it has properly had regard to any other
    relevant plans, policies and strategies relating to the
    area or to adjoining areas
  5. Test v: It has had regard to the authority’s Community
  6. Test vi: The strategies/policies/allocations in the plan are
    coherent and consistent within and between
    Development Plan Documents prepared by the
    authority and by neighbouring authorities, where cross
    boundary issues are relevant
  7. Test vii: The strategies/policies/allocations represent the
    most appropriate in all the circumstances, having
    considered the relevant alternatives, and they are
    founded on a robust and credible evidence base
  8. Test viii: There are clear mechanisms for implementation
    and monitoring
  9. Test ix: It is reasonably flexible to enable it to deal with
    changing circumstances.

The closing dates for representations will be 15th January 2010.

The timetable for the implementation of the plan can be found by clicking here.

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