Links with Job Centre…

The Project has agreed with

the Job Centre that we need a better referral process. Hopefully, with this in place we can better support local

people with job searches, CV writing, and food bank.

So we’ve agreed that referrals will be made by phone.

Alison will email everyone in her office to advise them of this and that if they make a referral they need to ask

to speak to Stacey to arrange appointments.
Dont worry though, an appointment isn’t needed you aren’t

refered through the Job centre.
This is an exciting oppotunity and depending on how the service goes there

could be a paid possistion in the Future, keep in mind folks, our main concern is serving the Resisdants of

Brierley Hill.

Another quick few announcements: Afterschool’s club is still running 3.30-5 on Tuesdays and

Thursdays, The Food Bank is still open, and you can collect vouchers from Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), and lastly

anything you want to know give us a call!

Bingo dates:

Saturday Special Dates:

The BHP team :)

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