Ponies launch wows public at Himley

Hundreds of visitors took advantage of the first chance to see the pony sculptures which will form the Brierley Hill Pony Trail 2010 when they were displayed at Dudley Performing Arts sumer festival which took place at Himley Hall over the weekend.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

There were gasps of delight at the variety of decoration of the ponies – carried out by local schools and artists – with themes ranging from local canals, through Shakespeare to a celebration of the glass industry, with one or two psychedelic works thrown in for good measure. Almost everyone who saw the ponies felt compelled to reach out and give them a stroke!

The ponies will now be taken from the festival and displayed around the Brierley Hill High Street area from July to September, before being auctioned in October to raise fund for regeneration projects.

An official printed route is being produced, but an early glimpse can be obtained on the Ponies 2010 map page of this blog.

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