Fund Raisers Working Hard for BHP

THANK YOU to everyone who attended or gave (Lots of you contributed to the auction) to the BIG event on Friday night (24th Sept)!! It was a massive success with so many positive stories and comments.
140 people attended the David Lloyd gym in B.Hill for a packed night of dance (Band were excellent), a quiz, mcing from Marcus & FX (BHP Mic check) and a great auction conducted by Ian Robinson!! I would like to thank Lynda Methuen for all her support and hard work to make this night happen, and also Sue Whitehouse who sorted out most of the auction prizes, THANK YOU!!!
So far that night has raised over £3k, so with expenditure we are looking at making £2.5K, thank you all so much what an effort!!

A massive thank you to Jadon and the lads for the football match that they put on as well back in August, they made a massive £1k by all paying to play and a gift from the league, thanks boys!!

Thank you also to Adrian who has completed his bike ride, apart from a sore bum there were no problems and I think Adrian was looking to make about £1.5k!!

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