Opportunity for young poets from the West Midlands

We’re IdeasTap: an online platform that helps young people break into the creative industries. We offer advice, a space to network, funding and workshops to enable emerging artists to develop their talent. We’re also a charity – so we offer all this for free.

We wanted to let you know about a rather special opportunity for young creative folk in the West Midlands that we currently have on our site, which we hope will appeal to some of the talented people you work with.

http://www.ideastap.com/Opportunities/Brief/344be7b5-e112-45e1-8da3-a00700d 08a08#Overview> Future Poets Festival

Along with http://www.writingwestmidlands.org/ Writing West Midlands and the http://www.macarts.co.uk/ Midlands Arts Centre, we’re looking for 8 creative individuals aged 16-19 to work together over five months to create a one-day Future Poets Festival.

They’ll get to attend workshops with poets, artists, theatre-makers and performers, where they’ll learn how to run a festival and will get mentoring on their own work too. They will then curate a mini-festival at mac on 4 August. http://www.ideastap.com/Opportunities/Brief/344be7b5-e112-45e1-8da3-a00700d 08a08#Overview> Find out more and apply.

Please do pass this information on to anyone you think might be interested.

If you’d like to learn more about IdeasTap and how we can help emerging artists, visit us as http://www.ideastap.com/ www.ideastap.com.

Best wishes,

The IdeasTap Team

Kane Husbands

Artistic Associate: Regions and International

National Youth Theatre Woolyard

52 Bermondsey Street


T: 0207 036 9062

M: 07504 968 423

http://www.vimeo.com/16541485 WATCH OUR WORK HERE

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