Brierley Hill Civic Society, Monday 19th May, 5.30pm, St Michael’s Church – all welcome

Brierley Hill celebration flyer






Brierley Hill Civic Society and Brierley Hill Celebration 2014

I am writing to invite you to the next meeting of the Civic Society which will take place on Monday 19th May, 2014, commencing at 5.30pm, at St Michael’s Church.

In a change to our scheduled speaker, I am pleased to say that we have teamed up with Brierley Hill Neighbourhood Learning Centre for the “Brierley Hill Celebration 2014” activities.

This facilitated session will be aimed at collecting and sharing memories and stories of Brierley Hill with the aim of building a pride for a community and a resource for future generation.

As an added bonus, you are welcome to attend “Brierley Hill into the First World War” on the previous Monday, 12th May where workshops and presentations of the impact of the declaration of war on Brierley Hill and on Food and Recipes of the First World War will take place. This session starts at 6pm and is also at St. Michael’s.

I look forward to seeing you on 19th May for the Civic Society meeting and, for those coming to the first session of Brierley Hill Celebration 2014, next Monday too.

Civic Society Agenda – NB: 5.30 pm start.

  1. Apologies

  2. Minutes of the previous meeting (click to read)

  3. Matters arising not otherwise on the agenda

  4. Correspondence

  5. Clean Power planning appeal update

  6. Brierley Hill in Bloom

  7. Workshop: Brierley Hill Celebration 2014

  8. Christmas Festival 2014

  9. Community Forum Update

  10. The Crossways Centre

  11. Information Exchange

  12. Any other business

  13. Date of next meeting: Monday 16th June 2014


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