Community First Survey

The community first survey was conducted at a ‘Pot Luck’ event, run by Brierley Hill Community Forum, which took place at Insight House in Brierley Hill on 18th March 2013.  16 community activists attended.  A further 89 community leaders were invited to complete the survey online to which 17 responded.

The questions asked were:

  1. What do you particularly like about the area?
  2. What works well?
  3. What do you think could be improved?
  4. What community groups or activities would you like to see in the area?
  5. Do you have any suggestions how community first grants could be best used?
  6. We have to create a Community First Plan to focus the funding where the community wishes. Do you have any suggestions you would like included in the plan?
  7. What do you think of the Panel Priorities and is there anything which should be included/excluded?


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