Grant usage
Adding value to existing work was one of the most popular suggestions “…to support groups already working on projects in the community”. “Developing one stop neighbourhood facilities that are high on support and low on red tape” was one suggestion. Others suggested using available grants to buy equipment and renovating community facilities. (33%).
Building capacity both in communities, individuals and physical assets: “…understanding the origins of the grants and the relationship between community driven plans and mobilising community assets” to make the most use of “…opportunities made available through various aspects of planning…to shape the place they live in”. Providing training for local community members and “…self esteem/confidence building” whilst encouraging a “can do” attitude. Providing help with financial management through a credit union was one suggestion. But overall “…enabling tenants and residents to take responsibility for their own future rather than relying on on officer driven initiatives” seemed to reflect stated opinion. (25%)
Given the responses to earlier questions it was not surprising that communication was mentioned as a potential use for the grants. In particular “…a community magazine to inform local residents of latest developments and events, activities etc. All agencies could sue this and share funding/marketing budgets”. (8%)
Environmental improvements including tidying up the area, reopening the toilets in the town centre and planting in the High Street area through community engagement were suggested with one person emphasising the need to do something with the entrance to the town from the Brettell Lane end from North Street up…a stretch described as ‘dilapidated’. The need to do something to counter empty shops was brought out. (21%)