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One of the key groups highlighted was children/young people. “…Consult with young people” and “more activities for the youth” were mentioned with the school holidays, homework clubs, recreational, drama, music and sporting activities being suggested. Some linked the need for targeted activities towards educational and employment needs (‘Homework clubs’, ‘…more opportunities for learning’ and “…anything that prepares people for work’. (36%).
The need for better communication and someone to ‘oversee and organise all’ was suggested. (9%)
Cultural activities were mentioned by 3 respondents, with the Civic Centre being highlighted as under-utilised “… More theatre and arts performances at the Civic Centre. Why can’t we have films put on there if Stourbridge can? Why isn’t it used more for trade fairs etc? A summer festival would be lovely but only if it involved lots of the community groups and lots of venues.” Two respondents specifically mentioned a summer festival. (14%)
Sporting events such as Brierley Hill Bikathon, boxing clubs, football training, skating and table tennis (18%).