Works well
11 respondents cited issues related to sense of community as working well. ‘Feeling part of the community’ and ‘a sense of belonging’ were important as was ‘celebrating diversity’. There was ‘..a willingness to help each other’ and co-operation was valued(50%) – ‘bringing people together as partners with other community groups, councillors and different parts of the the council and voluntary sector’ with DCVS, St Paul’s Centre and TRAs being given as particular examples.‘ A sense of belonging’ indicated an identity which was valued by local residents (18%).
Events gave people the chance to ‘voice views’ and bring ‘…people together..celebrating differences and achievements’. ‘…A strong feeling of pride in the town still exists across generations…’ could be built on as a theme (18%).
The market in the town was mentioned by two people as a positive in the High Street which had ‘…good transport links’. (9%).
The mix of Brierley Hill facilities was identified as working well. Schools, library, youth clubs, parks, leisure centres, community centres, the credit union, churches together and the new health and social care (LIFT) centre were all mentioned specifically. (36%).
Working together and ‘knowing what is going on in the area and becoming involved’ with ‘forums to voice views’ and ‘…the willingness to help one another’ helped in ‘…engaging members of the community in change’. (41%)
However, there was some concern about the willingness of residents to get involved in organisations the area and that ‘…groups have depended on the faithful service of a few leading members’ (9%).