Next Civic Society Meeting: Monday 18th January, 5.30pm, St Michael’s, Brierley Hill

Members of Brierley Hill’s newly formed civic society will get their chance to have a say on the town’s Area Action Plan – a strategic document to guide the development of the town – at its next meeting on Monday, 18th January.  The meeting will start at 5.30pm and all residents are welcome to attend.

The agenda for the meeting and notes of the last meeting are given below:

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1.       Apologies

2.       Notes of the previous meeting

3.       Matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda

4.       Constitution and arrangements for inaugural meeting

5.       Civic Society representation on Brierley Hill Area Action Plan

6.       Arts activities

7.       Programme of society activities 2010

8.       Any other urgent business

Notes of the Civic Society Meeting held at St Michael’s Church on Monday 16th November 2009, commencing at 5.30pm 


Shane Birch-Bastock, Cllr Judy Foster, Alan Gill, Cllr Sue Greenaway, Cllr Zafar Islam, Cllr Karen Jordan, Cllr Margaret Wilson


 Beryl Biggs; Ron Biggs; Pete Boland; Joy Cooper; Nicki Dale; Beryl Fisher; Barry Gilbert; Sue Greenaway; Rachel Harris; Doug James; Stephen Masters; Jenny Sunter; Tim Sunter; Rosemary Tomkinson  

 Notes of the Previous Meeting

 The notes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

 Matters Arising

 All matters arising were covered on the agenda for the meeting.  Dudley Archives had been unable to attend tonight but were able to give a talk at our February meeting

 Dudley Glass Centre

 A visit had taken place to Dudley College Glass Centre before the meeting.


  • Write to Viv Astling, chairman of governors of Dudley College expressing our support for the expansion of the college and our concern over the future of the building.  Copy in Lowell Williams and Vic Reid.
  • Contact Pete Boland to see what actions could be taken to support the protection of the building.
  • Make local councillors aware of our concerns and ask them to keep a watching brief on developments

 St Michael’s Church

 Barry Gilbert gave an update on the situation with respect to the Church.


  •  The Civic Society would offer any support it could to find a sustainable future for the Church.  
  • TS to meet BG to discuss an action plan and possible solutions

 Civic Society Constitution

 JS had reviewed the draft constitution which had been circulated at a previous meeting and posted on the Brierley Hill Blog.

 During a lengthy discussion a number of changes were recommended.  JS agreed to revise the draft accordingly.


  •  The Civic Society Initiative be asked to review the draft, provided this would be at no cost to the Civic Society;
  • That our meeting in February be a public meeting to adopt the constitution;
  • That associated press and media releases be made to promote the February meeting.

 Arts Activities in Brierley Hill.

 DJ and JS had met following on from out last meeting.  JS gave an update on progress.

 Area Action Plan

 TS gave an update on the area action plan.  The final draft had been placed on the Brierley Hill Blog website for download.  Consultation would take place from 30th November 50 15th January on whether the draft met the nine tests of soundness (also listed on the blog).  TS invited comments about the plan.

  •  Agreed
  • That a draft response be prepared and circulated to members for comment;
  • That, if necessary, a pre-submission be made to the council to iron out any problems;
  • That TS be delegated to agree a submission on behalf of the Society by 15th January, taking into account comments of members.

Any Other Business

 Brierley Hill Community Forum had invited the Civic Society to nominate one of its members to serve as a director of the Forum.

Agreed to consider this matter at the inaugural meeting of the Society in February.

A room collection was held to help cover the cost of the room and refreshments.

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