Brierley Hill regeneration a ‘moral imperative’

Early projection of Brierley Hill town centre

Brierley Hill Town Centre Partnership has urged planning authorities to press ahead with plans to regenerate the area, describing the need to tackle social disadvantage a ‘moral imperative’.

The partnership issued its call to action as part of its representation on the Brierley Hill Area Action Plan – consultation on which closed on Friday 1th January.

At its meeting the previous day the partnership had heard of social need in the area where the average life span of males living in the ward is a shocking seven years less than in nearby more affluent wards.

Partnership chairman Tim Sunter said:

“The health statistics in the area are very concerning.  So too are figures for unemployment, income levels and education.

“We cannot keep putting off regeneration activity.  Consultation has been taking place on regeneration proposals for the last 12 years.  If we are to tackle need in the area then adopting and implementing the plan as a matter of urgency is a morale imperative.

“There is a momentum to the regeneration of the area – the new road, a new health centre and the proposals for a new college campus are very exciting.  Then there is the work of training agencies and the National Youth Theatre which demonstrate the ability of our younger generation.”

If adopted,  the ambitious plan seeks  to secure investment to  provide new shopping and employment opportunities that generate over 21,000 estimated new jobs, more than 3,200 new homes, an improved transport network, leisure and community facilities and other services by 2026.

Details of the plan can be found on the council’s website

One comment on “Brierley Hill regeneration a ‘moral imperative’

  1. […] Today the area also has a much wider range of industries, from Brierley Hill Web Design companies to a wide range of hospitality businesses, and yet its industrial past is still evident. High-tech companies such as sit just a short hop away from the Broadfield Glass Museum. And, of course, the Merry Hill Shopping Centre is built on the steelworks site and what was the area’s last working urban farm. The area is still a hub of industry, but it depends on a wider mix of businesses than ever before. Its residents would also like to see even more being done to boost the area’s prospects, as indicated on the town’s own blog at […]