Urban Design in Brierley Hill Town Centre: event and consultation

How should buildings in the new Brierley Hill look?  How can design influence the ‘feel’ and viability of a town centre?  Can crime be designed out?

Brierley Hill Civic Society will be having a presentation from Dudley Council on these matters on Monday 19th July at 5.30pm at St Michael’s, Brierley Hill.  If you are interested in the future of your town please come and join us.  The council’s website explains the process of drawing up the ‘Supplementary Planning Document and this will be a chance to have your say…

Dudley Council is currently preparing a Supplementary Planning Document to provide further guidance on urban design in the new strategic town centre of Brierley Hill. This Supplementary Planning Document will support and should be read in conjuction with the emerging Brierely Hill Area Action Plan. This Area Action Plan is being prepared by the Council in partnership with key stakeholders which will guide the regeneration of the High Street, Merry Hill and the Waterfront, up to 2026. The Brierley Hill Area Action Plan will form part of Dudley’s planning framework once it is adopted, and it will be the starting point for making decisions on planning applications in the area.
The Urban Design SPD will improve the quality of Brierley Hill’s urban environment and encourage a high standard of design for new developments occuring under the framework of the Brierley Hill Area Action Plan (AAP).  This document stems from the overarching policies in the AAP and will provide advice for developers, public bodies and planners with regard to the design and assessment of urban development in Brierley Hill.
The aim of the SPD is to bring about a design and development process that is more collaborative, responds better to meeting local opportunities and needs, and encourages high quality developments that have minimal impact on natural resources. Improving the quality of the existing built environment and the design of new development in Brierley Hill is an essential part of the spatial planning process. This document aims to ensure that new development builds on and enhances Brierley Hill’s local distinctiveness, townscape character and urban form.   
We are currently gathering evidence about urban design in Brierley Hill to identify the issues that this document should respond to. As such, there will be a period of ‘frontloading consultation’ which will take place between Monday 28th June and Monday 26th July 2010. Prior to this, you will be able to access more information via this webpage and a number of questions to which we are seeking responses.  These responses and comments will then be used to prepare a consultation report which will be subject to a further 6-week statutory consultation in April 2011 when again, you will be able to give your views. The online form will be available from 28th June or you may send separate comments via email, phone, or in writing at the address below.
It is anticipated that the Urban Design in Brierley Hill SPD will be adopted in September 2011.


Contact Details
Name: Rachel Gandolfi
Address: Planning Policy Section
  Directorate of the Urban Environment
  3 St. James’s Road
  DY1 1HZ
Tel: 01384 816964
Fax: 01384 814141
Contact: General Contact Form

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