Charity car wash for terminally ill children (From Dudley News)

POLICE officers from Quarry Bank and Dudley Wood are teaming up with youngsters from the area to raise money for terminally and seriously sick children.

The neighbourhood policing team has organised a charity car wash at Brierley Hill Fire Station on Saturday, between 11am and 3pm and is inviting anyone to pop along and get their car washed.

All money raised will be donated to Promise Dreams charity.

PCSO Amanda Bishop, said: “The Quarry Bank and Dudley Wood policing team wanted to organise an event where young people from across the neighbourhood could get involved and help out.

“A car wash will be a fun way of raising money for a charity that’s helps so many children who are suffering from ill health.”

via Charity car wash for terminally ill children (From Dudley News).

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