Brierley Hillness presents…

A poem about Round Oak Steel Works.



The Silk Scarf

A poem by Jan Yorke

Our dad used to work there
Once when burning ingots rolled along the factory floor
Slowly moving onward without rush

Our dad used to work there
When tapped out furnace fires
Gave the sky a glory glow
And filled the clouds with dust

Our dad used to work there
When heat and sulphur filled
His lungs with every breath
And clinker clung like sweat

Our dad used to work there
When men of steel spilled through the gates
And filled the pub to quench their heavy thirst

Our dad used to work there
A flash of white silk scarf around his neck
At his dirty filthy worst

Our dad used to work there
Upon the fiery hill of Brierley town

Our dad used to work there
And then they closed it down.

For more poetry inspired by Brierley Hill visit

Visit this site for live performance, artwork, memories and photos about the town – and add your own!

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