Nautical fun in Netherton for anchor return

Many borough residents turned out to welcome home the replica Titanic anchor.

The 15-and-three-quarter-ton anchor was officially unveiled in its new permanent position outside Netherton Arts Centre during a celebratory nautical-themed event on 17th September.

The anchor, which was made last year as part of a Channel 4 documentary about the ill-fated Titanic, has spent the last 12 months outside the entrance of the Black Country Living Museum.

But Netherton residents and councillors called for it to be returned to the town, after the original anchor was cast by Noah Hingley and Son’s.

Netherton Regeneration Strategic Group organised the event to coincide with the return, which included a market, street entertainment, activities, pirates, sea-shanty bands, shire horses, donkey rides and a fun fair.

Following the unveiling of the anchor by the Mayor of Dudley, Councillor Michael Evans, a nautical float parade took place along Northfield Road, which was judged by Captain Jack Sparrow.

Official unveiling of the anchor
Sea shanty group perform to crowds
Captain Jack Sparrow with Glen Ostins
Pirate belly dancers

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