Community First: some answers to questions in Brierley Hill

I have spoken to CDF about the questions we raised at our meeting. The responses are given below:-

As the panel partner can Brierley Hill Community Forum also bid for funds?

Yes, provided they declare an interest when their bid is being considered in the same way as every other applicant has to.

What happens for groups who do not have a constitution or terms of reference?

The CDF want to make it easy for groups to apply. If there are no terms of reference etc then a side of A4 setting out what the project intends to achieve, who is involved, how any disputes will be resolved and signed by those running the projects will suffice.

Timing of bids and money coming through

Once the panel has recommended a bid for funding using the online form CDF want to turn around its approval within 7 days. It will then notify the group of the success of their bid (or otherwise) and ask them to sign and return a grant acceptance form (see the website for a copy of this). Once that is returned they will authorise the money to be paid into the agreed account. I specifically mentioned the Jubilee street part which was discussed at the meeting, so they know why I was asking.

Are we OK in asking for bids in tranches?

You will recall that we are asking for bids in tranches, with the first lot to reach us by 10th April, ready for out meeting on 17th April.

This is fine (indeed, they said, good practice), so we should be OK.

Capital bids

I have been asked whether improvements to a community building would meet the funding criteria. CDF responded that they believe that this should be OK as long as it meets the objectives of the scheme.

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