The glorious 12th…12th of June that is. The day that the Brierley Hill in Bloom flowers were planted in their containers on the High Street. The sun shone, people smiled, traders took photos, students prided in their work- quite right too. One admirer said: “…it looks like someone cares…”. Other comments made me think: we are also a town which needs to believe in itself, both as individuals and as a community.
An appeal is going out for residents, community groups, schools and business to support their town by becoming ‘bloomers’ and adopting one or more of the planters which will be brightening up Brierley Hill this summer.
Age UK Dudley has been recommended for a £750 Community First grant after expressing concerns about older people in Brierley Hill, feeling lonely and missing family and loved ones who have passed away, during the Christmas period.
The grant will help to contribute towards organising a Christmas Party.
Pleasing news on Brierley Hill in Bloom – planters have now been identified for purchase, involvement is growing, and planting is underway. 26 planters each with four linings are to be purchased, more businesses are getting involved, and plans are to start at Five Ways and radiate out.
At last things seem to be moving… Funding has been achieved from Community First and Brierley Hill traders…£5,000 in total. Growing has started at part of Stourbridge College/Birmingham Met’s foundation horticultural course. Council has given us a bit of a run around in finding out who to talk to re the correct planters to buy • Read More »
Sunday Times best selling author Miranda Dickinson will be Brierley Hill Civic Society’s start speaker at its meeting on 21st October 2013. The locally born author of It Started With A Kiss and Fairy Tale Of New York will be one of the start speakers of the Civic Society’s 2013/2014 programme which has been part funded by • Read More »
The next meeting of Brierley Hill Community First will take place on Thursday 20th June 2013 at St Michael’s Church, Bell Street South, Brierley Hill. It will start at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend. The agenda for the meeting is: Apologies Minutes of the previous meeting (Attached) Matters Arising Membership of the panel • Read More »
Imagine Brierley Hill in the summer sun blazing with colour, with hanging baskets, flowers, greenery all around. Imagine a community coming together to show they care for their town. Imagine people willing to give their time freely to look after their town. To take pride. To make a difference. This is the vision of Brierley • Read More »
There will be a meeting of the Community First Brierley Hill panel next Tuesday, 19th March 2013 at 7pm. The meeting will be held at St Michael’s Church, Bell Street South, Brierley Hill. Community First Brierley Hill has almost £40,000 of grants available for community groups in the Brierley Hill ward over the next two years. • Read More »