You are cordially invited to the next meeting of the Community First Brierley Hill panel which will commence at 7pm on Tuesday 18th March 2014 at St Michael’s Church, Brierley Hill.
The panel aims to encourage participation from members of our community and all are welcome to attend its meetings.
The agenda will be:
1) Apologies
2) Minutes of previous meeting
3) Matters Arising
Correspondence has been received via the Blog from Luke Norris who wishes to set up a Brierley Hill Football Club. He has been directed towards our website for instructions of how to apply but no application has been received at time of writing.
It should be noted from the grant report that £43,909.50 has been recommended by the panel to date. In addition £325 of expenses has been claimed by the panel. This makes a total of £44,234.50.
£45192 is available for the panel to the 31st March 2014. Therefore £957.50 remains to be allocated.
5) Priorities for grant approval 2014-2015
6) Grant applications
Nine Locks Senior Citizens Social Group
St Paul’s Community Learning Centre
7) Any Other Urgent Business
8) Dates of future meetings
Access to the agenda papers can be achieved by clicking on the links above.
Alternatively a combined set of papers can be downloaded by clicking here.
Key documents