Community First Brierley Hill – Tuesday 20th May, 7pm – St Michael’s – all welcome

Community First Brierley HillYou are cordially invited to the next meeting of the Community First Brierley Hill panel which will commence at 7pm on Tuesday 20th May 2014 at St Michael’s Church, Brierley Hill. 

The panel aims to encourage participation from members of our community and all are welcome to attend its meetings.

The agenda will be:

1) Apologies

2) Minutes of previous meeting  

3) Matters Arising

Following the last meeting an email circular was sent out to interested parties in Brierley Hill regarding the new weighting of priorities. This web site has also been updated to include this.

The decisions of the meeting were confirmed by panel members via email.

The situation re Nine Locks Senior Citizens Social Club was explained to them and they were happy to accept the £957.50 grant.

The 2014/2015 grant for St Paul’s could not be filed online until new internet details were received from CDF for the final year’s funding. These details were received early in April and the grant recommendation was immediately submitted.

CDF have indicated the timetable for the final year of the programme:

Who? Action Deadline? 



Submit all Y4 funding recommendations to CDF. Final cut off end of December 2014.  We would recommend you aim to submit your projects by September 2014.  This would enable you to submit alternative projects if those recommended do not go ahead or do not accept the grant.  This will ensure that the money is not lost.



Funded groups Spend grant funding and return the final monitoring form to CDF By end February 2015



Funded groups If selected as part of random sample for audit, they need to send evidence of grant expenditure to CDF.



On-going throughout the year


In effect the new cut off date would mean that the meeting scheduled for 18 November would be the last one at which recommendations could by made by the panel without special arrangements being made.

4)Grants to date for noting

5) Grant applications

Grant analysis

AgeUK Dudley

Amblecote Christian Centre

6) Any Other Urgent Business

7) Dates of future meetings

  • Tuesday 20th May 2014
  • Tuesday 15th July 2014
  • Tuesday 16th September 2014
  • Tuesday 18th November 2014
  • Tuesday 20th January 2015
  • Tuesday 17th May 2015


Access to the agenda papers can be achieved by clicking on the links above.


Alternatively a combined set of papers can be downloaded by clicking here.   

Key documents


Terms of reference

Community First Plan


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