Minutes of the July Community First Brierley Hill meeting. Five grants awarded


Minutes of the meeting of Community First Brierley Hill held on Tuesday 15th July 2014 at St Michael’s Church commencing at 7pm.


David Hoskin, Peter Plant, Tim Sunter

As there were only three members of the panel present the meeting was not quorate. However, in view of the fact that there were five applications to be determined it was felt worthwhile to hold and minute the meeting and ask other members of the panel via email whether they agreed with the decisions.

Declarations of interest

David Hoskin declared an interest in the application from St Michael’s and did not take part in the discussion on this matter.

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

Matters Arising

The recommendations of the panel from the previous meeting had been approved via email following requests for further information from applicants regarding where the target beneficiaries lived.

TS informed the panel that the CDF had indicated the panel had over allocated its funding for 2013–2014 by £67 and that they had therefore reduced the grant payable to Nine Locks Senior Citizen’s club by the equivalent amount.  The Senior Citizens Club have been informed regarding this.

TS had emailed the CDF regarding the concerns raised re Hawbush Urban Farm.


An email had been received regarding a possible further allocation of £1500 to the panel. This had to be bid for, with the criteria for success being a description of the best scheme for which the panel had recommended funding. The CDF were looking for schemes which had made an impact in the ward.

It was suggested that an email be sent to all of those recommended for grants asking if they wished to submit their project for this funding – and if the panel selected their scheme and it was successful then the funds should be allocated to that project for further work. The deadline for submission is 31st July.

Applications for funding

The panel carefull considered the applications received for funding. It was felt that all of the projects met the panel criteria and served the local population. It was therefore agreed (subject to consultation with missing panel members) to recommend the full amount requested by the following (click on link to see application):

Dates of Future Meetings

16th September
18th November

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