Community First Brierley Hill – Tuesday 16 Sept At 1900 – St Michaels Church – All Welcome

You are invited to the next meeting of the Community First Brierley Hill Panel which will take place on Tuesday 16th September 2014 at St Michael’s Church, Brierley Hill. The meeting will commence at 7pm.

The agenda for the meeting is:

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting
  3. Matters Arising
    4 Correspondence
  4. Applications for funding
    • grant report – an update on where we are with our allocated grants
    • Small Black Country Business Community of Practice – request for £900 to purchase a laptop for presentations on social media for local businesses
    • Brierley Hill in Bloom – request for £2500 to purchase more planters and extend the project around Brierley Hill
    • Homework Club – request for £1330 to support young people to do their homework at The Storehouse in Brierley Hill
    • Little Suckers – request for £2000 to cover venue hire for this support group for breastfeeding mothers
    • Oakfield Community Centre – request for £2373 to improve the Centre’s facilities whilst keeping hire fees affordable
  5. Dates of future meetings
  6. Any Other Business

I do hope that you can make the meeting on Tuesday.


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