Consultation on the Design in Brierley Hill SPD – take part!

Hello All

As you may already be aware, a six week period of consultation has begun on the Design in Brierley Hill Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document. This will run until the 30th April 2012 and we are welcoming views from anyone who has an interest in this SPD.

The link below takes you to the webpage which gives more detail on the SPD, setting out the aims and purpose of the document. From this webpage, you can then access the report to give your views on it via the online portal. We will also accept comments via post, email or telephone to the address and numbers below.

If you require any further information on the SPD or the consultation process, please do not hesitate to contact me. l-development-framework/bhill-urb-des/> -development-framework/bhill-urb-des/

Kind Regards

Rachel Gandolfi Senior Planning Officer, Policy

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council Directorate of the Urban Environment Planning Policy Section

Tel: 01384 816964 (direct) Fax: 01384 814141 email:

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