Community First Brierley Hill–Hawbush Community Gardens submit first bid for £766

hcg growthHawbush Community Gardens have become the first group to submit a bid for match funding the Community First Brierley Hill.  The £766 requested is a grant towards a secure steel container, a petrol strimmer and protective clothing. Other funds have been raised from ASDA who have donated £500 and volunteers.

The project, in Bull Street Brierley Hill, aims to improve the environment of the inter-war housing estate by maintaining and cultivating an area of land at the rear of Hawbush School.  Residents are even encouraged to grow their own food.

Community First is a government fund which aims to encourage people to get involved with their community.  Brierley Hill ward has been allocated £11,000 to match fund activities this year, raising to £16,000 over each of the next two years.

The Community First Panel for Brierley Hill will meet on 17th April to consider whether to recommend the funding for Hawbush Community Gardens and any other applications received before then.

For further details on Community First Brierley Hill Click here:

Community First Panel for Brierley Hill

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