Brierley Hill, Brockmoor and Pensnett Community Forum meeting 26th June 2013
I thought I would check out the new ‘Community Forum’ meetings set up by the council. I was impressed -community issues came first, then councillors issues before the official business of approving grants took place. Councillors even welcomed the interaction with twitter!
The formalities
Cllr Karen Jordan elected chair, Cllr Zafar Islam vice chair #BHBPCF
Questions from the community
Marsh Park and Church Hill wall
State of walls around Marsh Park. In poor repair – concerns about collapse. Has moved four inches in recent weeks #BHBPCF
Zaf Islam – financial problems led to delays. Will try to do in small parts. Will go back and pressure for more action #BHBPCF
Clean Power planning application
Next question – what is happening on #cleanpower? #BHBPCF
Cllr Rachel Harris. Petition of objection submitted. Council looking at issues. Is in process of being considered #BHBPCF
RDF waste in Moor StreetLast week a director of RDF was sentenced to a six month suspended prison sentence for failing to comply with an order to remove rubbish from the Moor Street site. A deadline of September was given to comply with the order.
Qn what happens I’d RDF go bankrupt before they remove rubbish on Moor Street? #BHBPCF
Some public scepticism being expressed about RDF’s will to comply with court order. Cllrs point out sentence over their heads #BHBPCF
Cllr Harris – Environment Agency will pursue and then directors to cover costs #BHBPCF
There were other concerns about what RDF were up to:
Suggested by public that RDF may be moving to adjacent site? Cllrs to follow up and check out #BHBPCF
Rubbish on Albert Street
Qn member of public complains no feedback from previous meeting on rubbish dumping on Albert Street. #BHBPCF
Dudley Council Plus should have answered. Apologies from cllrs for no response. Have been asked to be copied in. #BHBPCF
Parking on The Promenade
School parking on The Promenade. On pavement, gutter ‘disgrace’. Been going on for years. #BHBPCF
Cllr Harris – Need effort on this. Get TRA, school, housing dept, police together to find solution. #BHBPCF
General concerns being expressed about school parking as an issue. Also traders in High Street parking on local streets #BHBPCF
Horses in PensnettThe problem of horses running wild and being neglected in Pensnett has been with us for a number of years now. Sometimes this is treated with a sense of humour…but the meeting was reminded of how distressing the issue can be.
Qn Pensnett Nature Reserve – horse found on floor suffocating last night. Resident clearly upset at sight. Chain strangling him… #BHBPCF
…couldn’t find anyone to help. Shouldn’t be put in bushes. Has reported cruelty to RSPCA #BHBPCF
Cllr Jordan – Council can’t police 24/7. Owners have to take responsibility for this. #BHBPCF
And probably for the first time a response on twitter was read out to the meeting
@Brierley_Hill thats rubbish councils can and should take responsibility its a life how dare they wash there hands of it
@Brierley_Hill pointless i walk dog there found horse straving called RSPCA did not want to no..Council need to giv out number that
@Brierley_Hill public can call and someone comes straight out Council like RSPCA has no interest unless camera crews around
Cllr Islam – working group set up some years ago. Problem isn’t as bad as it was the. Issues remain. Solutions still being sought. #BHBPCF
@yorkeboypaul have read your tweet out. Cllr Jordan says need number someone will answer. Also more info from working group #BHBPCF
@yorkeboypaul also challenged the response councillors had made
@Brierley_Hill No it needs Dog Warden renamed Animal Warden if need be take more on 24/7 and they respond to residents calls
So…review of what is happening to take place, phone number to call to be identified, and next meeting will hear report back on issues.
Rubbish around the flats in Brierley Hill
Qn from Brickiln Court. Bin areas need to be disinfected. Smells dreadful. #BHBPCF
Cllrs will chase. Residents also ask that Adelphi Court residents asked not to leave rubbish out. #BHBPCF
Councillors agreed to raise these issues direct with the housing department to get them resolved.
Use of Twitter in future meetings
@yorkeboypaul raised a question about twitter
@Brierley_Hill if the police can do question and answer meetings on twitter/utube why cant local forums so more people can put problems
This started an interesting discussion. Some members of the public were concerned that it would exclude those who did not have access to twitter. But, it was explained, tweeting should be in addition to holding a meeting – it would therefore include more people who could not be there and exclude no-one.Some councillors asked exactly what twitter was, so I had a chance to explain how it could be used to engage and hold a conversation with a wider community.
At this point @andy_pardoe tweeted:
“@Brierley_Hill thanks for the updates on the meeting for those that can’t attend. Much appreciated”Which was brilliant and timely. When it was read to the meeting attendees were impressed:
@yorkeboypaul Have passed your idea re tweeting on. Cllrs say they will ask their marketing team to investigate. #BHBPCF
Tweeting would be in addition to meeting to increase participation to those who can’t be there #BHBPCF
@Andy_Pardoe that’s very kind of you to say. Reading your comment out clinched the argument council should use twitter! #BHBPCF
Have we broken new ground? The council’s response will be fascinating to see.
@Brierley_Hill lol kool would be gd way to stay in touch with residents
Grit bin and a thank you to a councillorCouncillors get a lot of stick, so it was nice that there efforts were appreciated, and nice for councillors to show a sense of humour in response!
Residents thank Cllr Jordan for action on providing grit bin at St Marks. #BHBPCF
Cllr Jordan feigns fainting 😉 #BHBPCF
Dog bins
Qn – who do you get in touch with when you need a dog litter bin. Resident in Dreadnought Road has asked #BHBPCF
Cllr Jordan asks for details of resident. Will contact and ask for details of issue and where bin needs placing. #BHBPCF
Drinking ban on Brierley Hill High Street
A drinking ban has been in force on Brierley Hill High Street for some time now. The question was raised about whether the police were still enforcing this…a view was expressed that it was enforced when it was first introduced, but less action was being taken now.
Cllr Harris – they are still pursuing this. Police nos have dropped with cuts. Are trying to maintain visibility. #BHBPCF
Cllr Harris report police at last PACT said they were still pursuing. Resident says Church is a particular problem. #BHBPCF
Qn has moving drinkers from High St displaced to other areas? Mill Street untidy now. #BHBPCF
@Brierley_Hill no more like cottage street
Priorities were also questioned:
@Brierley_Hill 12 police in Bull st other day checking cars,, they could be better used walking the High Street dealing with local issues
Cllr Harris urged local residents to attend the local PACT meetings where local priorities could be set. This issue had been discussed at the last meeting and the police were concerned to keep on top of matters.
Matters to be raised by councillors
Actually, said the councillors, the community have pretty much covered all of the important issues. Well done community!
Application from retired employees at Simon Engineering #BHBPCF
Want contribution towards monument for Simon Engineering and its contribution to economy. £5k requested #BHBPCF
Agreed to pay a portion – £2k – other forums to be asked to contribute too. #BHBPCF
Parked Street tenants asking for funding to support equipment – laptop, camera, printer scanner etc. #BHBPCF
Cllr Harris speaks in support of Parkes Street application. £900 agreed. #BHBPCF
The grant for the Simon Engineering monument raised issues about other industries which should have a memorial
@Brierley_Hill ok but where does that end lots of other places could ask for funding for a monument
@yorkeboypaul exactly. Round Oak now being raised. Funding for previous suggestion couldn’t be found. #BHBPCF
Cllr Islam: plan was approved for junction where steelworks used to be. Some underground work needed to be done and price increased #BHBPCF
Cables under the island increased costs. Residents consider community funding. Round Oak employed thousands. Many still meet #BHBPCF
Cost was estimated at 40 to 50 k. Cllr Islam – even sharing with other wards not enough. Need to keep it open as a scheme. #BHBPCF
Lots of passion from community to commemorate steel work. #BHBPCF
What was clear from the discussion was that an enormous pride still exists in Brierley Hill’s industrial heritage. Round Oak definitely needs commemorating…but what about Marsh and Baxter too? Royal Brierley has one of its building left standing together with a plaque.
Close of meeting
Which bought the meeting to the end. One of the many good sides of Brierley Hill showed itself again when the audience thanked the councillors for their work and Cllr Jordan for chairing. In return Cllr Islam thanked everyone for turning up…and then….
Wow! Councillors thank tweeters for tweeting in! Well done guys! #BHBPCF
@Brierley_Hill enjoyed that they should hav interactive more often they would learn more of whats going on lol
Media CoverageI thought it would be interesting to compare what is reported in the local papers to what was covered in social media.
Suffocating horse is found in nature park
A horse was found suffocating on a nature reserve, prompting calls for a community group to be set up to monitor the safety of animals ke…
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