Brierley Hill in Bloom update

BloomLogo1.pngAt last things seem to be moving…

Funding has been achieved from Community First and Brierley Hill traders…£5,000 in total.

Growing has started at part of Stourbridge College/Birmingham Met’s foundation horticultural course.

Council has given us a bit of a run around in finding out who to talk to re the correct planters to buy in/make.  Fortunately local ward councillor Rachel Harris is now taking a lead on this, so hopefully this will be resolved soon.

Target is to ‘start small’ – buy planters asap, then target planting activities in May 2014, targeting one area in High Street vicinity.

Once we know what to buy then approach property owners and ask if they will help contribute.

Overall positive.  We’re on our way.  Next meeting scheduled for 15th November.

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