Mapping the Brierley Hill fallen of World War Two

RemembranceMapBrierley Hill’s UDC Book of Remembrance contains the names, addresses, ranks and date of death of those who lived within the borough’s boundaries and lost their lives in service during World War Two.

Reading the addresses of the fallen is very moving, and brought home to me the emotional impact of the loss.  These people could have been neighbours of mine.

Mapping them gives an idea of what the terrible impact must have been on local communities.  The edge of the clusters coincides with the boundary of the former Brierley UDC.  Empty spaces within the boundary can be accounted for as either having no homes there…or simply that the estates now there weren’t built at the time of the war.

Try zooming in to see the maps in more detail, and click on the link below to view a larger version of the map.  How many of the fallen lived by you?

View Brierley Hill Book of Remembrance 1939-1945 in a larger map

One comment on “Mapping the Brierley Hill fallen of World War Two

  1. I really like your post and surely appreciate your experience that you have discussed in the blog. Thanks for sharing about book of remembrance.

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