Community First Brierley Hill backs £750 for What? Centre advice for young people


Stourbridge’s prestigious What? Centre has been recommended for a £750 Community First grand to extend its work with unemployed young people to Brierley Hill. The grant will contribute towards the cost of running one on one counselling session from Brierley Hill library.

In the Centre’s application company secretary Carol Wootton said :

We are currently funded by a Lottery grant which provides therapeutic counselling and advice sessions for young people aged 13-25 yrs. One of the outcomes of this grant is that 100 young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) will have improved awareness of self-development and employability, and we are well on the way to achieving this target. To reach this, we have been staging one-to-one sessions with young people to develop their employability skills together with interview techniques, helping them to construct their CVs and to perform job and training opportunity searches. The intensive support given has proved extremely successful, particularly with the most vulnerable individuals.

Our aim now is to offer a high-quality, highly supportive outreach service for the provision of employability skills in the Brierley Hill area.

We have set up a pilot project at Brierley Hill library. This venue was chosen as it is highly accessible to the young people of the area.


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