Community First Brierley Hill – meeting Wednesday 15 January, 7pm, St Michael’s Church

Community FirstYou are cordially invited to the next meeting of the Community First Brierley Hill panel which will commence at 7pm on Wednesday 15th January 2014  at St Michael’s Church, Brierley Hill. The panel aims to encourage participation from members of our community and all are welcome to attend its meetings.

The agenda will be:

1) Apologies

2) Minutes of previous meeting

3) Matters Arising

a) On 27th November 2013 an application for a grant towards a Christmas Party was received from Nine Locks Community Association. Unfortunately funding had already been agreed for this group earlier this year and so the Association were informed via email that their application was not valid.

b) CDF raised a question about The What? Centre application as it was unclear exactly what the funding was being used for. After consulting What? this question has (to the best of my knowledge) now been resolved.

c) A thank you email has been received from Age Concerm following their successful Christmas event.

4) Grants report

It should be noted from the grant report that £43,159.50 has been recommended by the panel to date.

In addition to this £750 should now be included for What? and £325 of expenses has been claimed by the panel. This makes a total of £44,234.50. £45192 is available for the panel to the 31st March 2014. Therefore £957.50 remains to be allocated.

5) Brierley Hill Christmas Festival

In March 2013 it was agreed to allocated £2,500 to the Brierley Hill Christmas festival. The event was very successful, however the total expenditure came to just circa £1,000. On 9th January 2014 CDF were contacted asking whether it would be possible to vire the surplus funding to other activities rather than lose the grant. Alex from CDF indicated that the panel should be able to do this and asked that CDF be included in any email correspondence regarding this. The panel needs to discuss what it wishes to do on this matter.

6) Grant applications

Nine Locks Senior Citizens Social Group

7) Any Other Urgent Business

8) Dates of future meetings

a) Tuesday 18th March

Access to the agenda papers can be achieved by clicking on the links above.

Alternatively a combined set of papers can be downloaded by clicking here.

Key documents

Terms of reference

Community First Plan

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