Local campaigner Tim Lee writes:
Clean Power Planning Application – Appeal following refusal of permission – August 2013
You may have heard that CP have now appealed to the Planning Inspectorate, and that there will be a public inquiry in due course.
As you can imagine there’s been widespread dismay amongst the several hundred local residents were involved last year in successfully providing such strong opposition to Clean Power’s planning application, especially since the 6 months for filing the appeal was shortly to run out.
Residents and Brierley Hill Ward Councillors remain resolutely opposed to Clean Power’s appeal, and look forward to being able to explain their views to the Planning Inspector at the Planning Inquiry.
Meantime there will be a public campaign, and a steering committee, headed by Cllrs. Rachel Harris and Zafar Islam, together with other ward councillors and representatives of local residents, will be meeting on Wednesday evening.
We’ll be happy to keep you up to date with what’s planned.
There will be plenty for us to do, so perhaps anyone who’d like to get involved and help could contact either Rachel: rachel.harris16@btinternet.com (mob:07703 46 46 57); or me on: timandlorna@123mail.org (H. 01384 936 652).
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