Another inspirational story. Tonight I went to a Celebrating 100 years of Brierley Hill event at Insight House in Pearson Street. Performing there were The Black Country Rebels – a young persons dance group based in Delph Road.
I spoke to Tina Bowen who chairs their “committee of mums” – and was really impressed.
Black Country Rebels hold dance classes for 4 to 25 year olds on four nights every week – Monday to Thursday – and are about to expand to Friday nights too. Saturday and Sundays are performance and competition days. All of is run by volunteers.
The group has been growing. It started off at Hawbush Community Gardens, then, as the group grew bigger it moved to St Paul’s Neighbourhood Learning Centre in Hawbush Road. Last year they took out a lease on their own industrial unit on Delph Road trading estate.
They now cater for 45 youngsters – the vast majority of which live in Brierley Hill with a few coming from further afield because of the quality they offer.
Even better, the Rebels have a mentoring scheme – where a number of their students are trained to teach dance. Not only does this enable the students to assist the Rebels’ teachers, but, as Tina says “…when they get to university it will help them earn a few extra pounds to help them through their studies”.
When the Rebels performed their “pom dances” they were absolutely brilliant. I enjoyed every second of it.
I just find these people inspiring. The Rebels are making a real contribution to their community – healthy activities, raising self esteem, building skills.
Another of the reasons I love living in Brierley Hill.
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