Now that the Environment Agency have sent a circular letter to 700 families, it’s important for there to be a proper public response (else the EA will think no-one cares), so we now need to move with some speed.
This is particularly important, because we think the EA’s information sheet is misleading, by continually referring to plans for an “incinerator”, and virtually ignoring the fact that the plans include an anaerobic digester.
Individual letters of comments/protest to the Environment Agency need to be in by 20 July.
To update you on campaign plans:
- Still under the SNOW* banner, we are calling this part of the campaign “20 Days to Fight the Permit”.
- We will launch at the Community Forum this Tuesday (notice attached) – anyone can turn up to the Forum and raise questions of local importance, so we thought SNOW* should be there and ask a number of questions, perhaps on the following lines:
a. are the Council aware that residents’ opposition to the plans for the waste site are as strong as ever?
b. will the Council be making comments and representation to the EA. If so, will residents be able to see the draft proposals and provide input?
c. SNOW is today launching its “20 Days to Fight the Permit” campaign, which includes:
* ensuring residents understand Clean Power’s plans have not changed
* collecting letters signed by local residents
* distributing posters
* a petition
- can Councillors confirm they support the campaign, and what support can they provide?
d. do Councillors have any further plans to oppose this development?
I can’t make that particular meeting, but it would be really helpful if as many as possible (at such short notice) could be there – Cllr. Rachel Harris will be there – could one or two volunteer to ask the questions?
- Getting signatures
I’ve drafted a letter of objection for individuals and families to sign, and Lorna has volunteered to liaise to organise the deliveries/collections of signed letters. We have a database of core supporters, and we can concentrate on those, and, perhaps, ask them to see if they could get signatures from neighbours and friends, to “cascade” the effort. We can also deliver an update newsletter, making it clear that CP’s plans have not changed.
We’ll get things under way by mid week.
Rachel will have a word with the Indoor Market to see whether they might agree to help as before.
I know that some of us are on holiday about this time, so anyone knows anyone else willing to lend a hand please email/telephone me/Lorna (01384 936 652).
Just to confirm, we need to get the letters to the EA by 20 July, so target date is Friday 18 July – time’s limited, but we’re used to that!
Tim Lee
SNOW* Spokesperson
Twitter: @BrierleyHillSNO
Facebook: BrierleyHillSnow
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