Area Committee: Litter bins in Brierley Hill High Street

A member of the public raised concerns with over spilling litterbins in Brierley Hill High Street. The Head of Street and Green Care would respond direct to the questioner.


The Street Cleansing service operates a number of different teams across the Borough with a range of different services including the emptying of litter bins. The service operates seven days a week, during this time a total of 776 litter bins and 495 dog bins are emptied. Due to the quantity, it is not possible to empty litter bins before 6am as requested by the member of public and as such, emptying take place throughout the day. However, the Team Manager for Street Cleansing has been asked to monitor standards of cleanliness in the High Street and to carry out any remedial works as considered necessary.


One comment on “Area Committee: Litter bins in Brierley Hill High Street

  1. Never let anyone stop you from imagining a clean environment.

    Health is a result of environmental signals to your DNA.

    Every time you make a good choice against litter, positive chemical reactions happen instantly in your body & brain that make you more

    healthy and alive.

    In other words… Picking Up Litter = Free Drugs created by your brain.

    Future generations will not tolerate litter.

    Feel free to contact me if you want a free link from my website.

    In hope of Peace & Synergy & Holo Pono