Community First Brierley Hill – panel meeting 19th November 2013 – all welcome

Community FirstYou are cordially invited to the next meeting of the Community First Brierley Hill panel which will commence at 7pm on Tuesday 19th November 2013 at St Michael’s Church, Brierley Hill.

The panel aims to encourage participation from members of our community and all are welcome to attend its meetings.

The agenda will be:

1. Apologies

2. Minutes of previous meeting

3. Matters Arising

a) Participatory budgeting – following the last meeting an email newsletter was sent to over 100 email contacts informing them of the Big Brierley Hill Give Away, informing them how to apply and asking them to circulate information. A news release was issued to local media outlets. Information was disseminated via social media. An advice surgery was held on 22nd October at Brierley Hill library. In spite of this only four applications had been received. On review of the applications it was noted that there were issues with each one. Panel members were informed of this via email with the applications attached (11th November 2013. Four panel members indicated that they felt that in view of the issues with the applications the meeting on 19th November should be held as a normal panel meeting and asked that the applicants be informed accordingly.
b) Emails were sent to the AW Surgeries Patients Panel, Brierley Hill Community Radio, Dudley Federation of Tenants and Residents and Tiny Tots following the last meeting informing them of the panels considerations. Following this Brierley Hill Community Radio have submitted a further application. No response has been received from the other applications.

4. Grants report

a) It should be noted from the grant report that £39,609.50 has been recommended by the panel to date. £4,000 has been earmarked for the participatory budgeting process. £325 has been allocated for panel expenses. £45192 is available for the panel to the 31st March 2014. Therefore the amounts available to recommend for funding is £4,000 from the participatory budgeting budget and £1257.50 from the remainder of the allocation.

5. Grant applications

a) Age Concern UK
b) Brierley Hill Community Radio
c) Learning for Life
d) Outreach – (18th November – now on application under The 3c’s)

e) Tiny Tots – (updated 18th November)

6. Any Other Urgent Business
7. Dates of future meetings

a) Wednesday 15th January
b) Tuesday 18th March

Access to the agenda papers can be achieved by clicking on the links above.

Alternatively a combined set of papers can be downloaded by clicking here.

N.B. you will be need to download the late applications from 3c and Tiny Tots.

Key documents

Terms of reference
Community First Plan

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