Pleasing news on Brierley Hill in Bloom – planters have now been identified for purchase, involvement is growing, and planting is underway.
At a meeting held at Insight House in Pearson Street on Friday of group of ‘doers’ talked about the next steps to brightening up Brierley Hill next May.
The first good news was that the council had got back to identify which planters to use. 26 double planters will be chosen. Four liners will be purchased for each planter (see leaflet) which enables two to be farmed out for growing whilst two are on display. Liners will be held in place in the containers with secure brackets. The use of liners will also enable schools and other community organisations to take part by growing their own plants and then bringing them to the town and put them on display.
Although the cost of the planters exceeds the £5,000 budget kindly donated by Brierley Hill Traders Association and Community First, the Traders have agreed to make up any shortfall.
Birmingham Metropolitan College horticulture students are also involved. As part of their community course they are already cultivating plants which will be used to start the Bloom in May.

Encouraging comments have been made by the head of property at Birmingham Metropolitan College about planting the green area outside of the Stourbridge College Art and Design Centre in Venture Way. Contact has been made with the health service who occupy the Brierley Hill Health and Social Care Centre to see how they can help, and an initial contact has been made with ASDA – who expressed a keenness to be involved. So it’s all looking positive at the moment.
The strategy is to start small and grow year on year. Subject to council agreement, it was thought that the best place to start would be at Five Ways and radiate along the High Street from there, with individual shops being asked to help.
So, with all that in hand it’s onwards and upwards! Next meeting Friday, 10th January 2014 at Insight House, Pearson Street starting at 12.30. You’re more than welcome to come along and get involved.

So pleased Brierley Hill in Bloom has been born! Fantastic news. All the best, Suzanne