Stourbridge College’s Art & Design Foundation Art Show

Stourbridge College’s Foundation Art & Design Exhibition is open to the public from Tuesday 7th June until Saturday 11th June.


Its new location at The Waterfront Upper Deckhouse, Brierley Hill, means its accessible for anyone visiting the Merry Hill Centre and just down the road from the new Art & Design Centre in Venture Way due to open in September!


The exhibition – showing off the culmination of a year of hard work by students and staff – is open 10.00 am until 4.00 pm daily and 11.00 am until 2.00 pm on Saturday.


The work on show includes static displays, fashion and digital work as well as more traditional art.


Everyone welcome!  Free parking on the Waterfront Canal.



Photography Exhibition Opening at Artspace Brierley Hill – Sat 28th May


Artspace would like to invite you to the opening of an exciting exhibition of Photography by Vibeke Bird. Vibeke Bird spent the years from 2004 until 2009 travelling and living in South-East Asia. This enabled her to build up a portfolio of photographs which capture the vibrancy of the places she visited and the friendliness of the people she met.

Travelling day-to-day, rather than following a pre-planned journey, meant a wide range of experiences came her way offering plenty of image-rich opportunities. These included the observation of people from all different walks of life; from Laotian villagers with their families, Cambodian nuns in temple grounds, to Thai jewellery sellers on the streets of Bangkok and Vietnamese people going about their everyday lives. She was also able to experience first-hand just how Cambodian villagers survive and lived amongst Thai people for three years following their way of life. 

The Opening will take place between 1pm and 3pm on Saturday 28th May and the show will be on display until the end of June.

Hope you can make it

Ed Cartwright

Charity car wash for terminally ill children (From Dudley News)

POLICE officers from Quarry Bank and Dudley Wood are teaming up with youngsters from the area to raise money for terminally and seriously sick children.

The neighbourhood policing team has organised a charity car wash at Brierley Hill Fire Station on Saturday, between 11am and 3pm and is inviting anyone to pop along and get their car washed.

All money raised will be donated to Promise Dreams charity.

PCSO Amanda Bishop, said: “The Quarry Bank and Dudley Wood policing team wanted to organise an event where young people from across the neighbourhood could get involved and help out.

“A car wash will be a fun way of raising money for a charity that’s helps so many children who are suffering from ill health.”

via Charity car wash for terminally ill children (From Dudley News).