Town Centre Partnership

Designing the new Brierley Hill: Powerpoint presentation

On 2nd September Brierley Hill Town Centre Partnership received a presentation on how the drawing up of new guidelines for Brierley Hill. View the presentation below. If you want to take part in the consultation they you can do so by going to the website:–planning/planning/local-development-framework/bhill-urb-des Power Point Presentation – 021092010

Work on Brierley Hill’s new college set to commence

Work on Stourbridge College’s new creative industries campus, set in the heart of Brierley Hill will be commencing on 23rd August.  The college will bring brand new arts and digital based courses to Brierley Hill and replace the outdated Longlands campus in Stourbridge.  Over 600 hundred students are expected to attend on a daily basis • Read More »

Planners reassure Brierley Hill stakeholders on jobs plan

Moves by the new coalition government to axe Regional Spatial Strategies will NOT stop plans to bring major new building projects for Brierley Hill according to Dudley Council’s Senior Planning Policy Officer Annette Roberts. Proposals to increase the size of the Merry Hill Centre, create over 2000 new homes and bring offices and 10,000 jobs • Read More »

Brierley Hill regeneration a ‘moral imperative’

Brierley Hill Town Centre Partnership has urged planning authorities to press ahead with plans to regenerate the area, describing the need to tackle social disadvantage a ‘moral imperative’. The partnership issued its call to action as part of its representation on the Brierley Hill Area Action Plan – consultation on which closed on Friday 1th • Read More »

May opening for Brierley Hill health and social care centre

Brierley Hill’s new health and social care centre is still on track to open in May.  The new building on Venture Way Brierley Hill is nearing completion despite the recent bad weather having hampered operations by construction company Carillion.  Chief Executive of Dudley Infracare Lift, John Coyne, told the most recent meeting of Brierley Hill • Read More »

New hope for advice centre?

Partners in Brierley Hill are set to meet to see if a vital advice centre in the town can be revived.  The Signpost shop a multi-agency advice, information and guidance centre in Brierley Hill closed its doors in December despite having over 5000 visitors during its last twelve months of operation.  Now Citizens Advice Bureau • Read More »

National Youth Theatre reaffirms commitment to Brierley Hill

The National Youth Theatre has confirmed that it will continue to work in Brierley Hill, its first regional centre, following pilot projects over the last three years.  Speaking at a meeting of Brierley Hill Town Centre Partnership Alexa Cruickshank, general manager of the National Youth Theatre said:  “Brierley Hill was the first regional centre for • Read More »