
Presentation to Civic Society on Stourbridge College Phase 1 Brierley Hill Campus

Brierley Hill Campus Presentation to Civic Society 17th May 2010

Representations on Brierley Hill Area Action Plan January 2010

Brierley Hill Civic Society

Brierley Hill Town Centre Partnership

Brierley Hill Town Trail 1980 (250k Word)

Two fascinating Brierley Hill walks from 1980 produced by Stephen Masters.  How things have changed!!!

Area Action Plan Draft for DMBC Cabinet 18th November 2009 (pdf 9mb)

The draft area action plan as it was sent to Dudley’s cabinet for its 18th November meeting prior to its publication on 30th November 2009 for consultation to 15th January 2010.

Civic Society Presentation on Constitution and Area Action Plan – 16th November 2009 (pptx 1mb)

Jenny Sunter’s presentation on key questions for the new Civic Society Constitution and Tim Sunter’s discussion slides re the forthcoming Area Action Plan consultation.

Retail Road Show Presentation – 4th November 2009 (0.5mb ppt)

Paul Ford, appearing courtesy of Business Link West Midlands, ran a workshop aimed at Brierley Hill independent retailers at Stourbridge College ATC.  This is his presentation

Brierley Hill Physical Regeneration Implementation Strategy (8mb)

Developed by Brierley Hill Regeneration Partnership the plan sets out the development vision for Brierley Hill.

Draft Constitution of Brierley Hill Civic Society

What is says on the packet!  A draft constitution for consideration by members of the civic society and for full discussion at its November 2009 meeting.

Brierley Hill Creative Economy Report by the White Room 2008 (2.5mb)

In 2008 consultants The White Room were commissioned by The Arts Council, Brierley Hill Regeneration Partnership, Dudley Community Partnership, Dudley MBC, The National Youth Theatre, Stourbridge College, and Westfield Shoppingtowns plc to investigate the steps needed to encourage the provision of cultural activities in the Brierley Hill area in the light of its designation as the borough’s strategic centre.  This report is the result of their work.

Green Corridors Presentation – Nicki Dale, principle planning officer DMBC – Brierley Hill Civic Society 19th October 2009 (pdf 2mb)

Nicki’s presentation slides in pdf form.  Nicki spoke to the Civic Society on 19th October about had the new Area Action Plan for Brierley Hill intends to create new green corridors linking Fens Pool and Saltwells wood, protecting and promoting biodiversity in the Brierley Hill area.

Brierley Hill Conservation Area – Pete Boland, principle conservation officer DMBC planning – Brierley Hill Civic Society 19th October 2009 (pdf 3.7mb)

Pete’s presentation on how the conservation area was determined,  the strengths and weaknesses of buildings in Brierley Hill High Street, and how the designation of the conservation area will drive a strategy to preserve and enhance the ‘sense of place’ for Brierley Hill.

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